(Cards) (Image and Text) All Equal

Image and text cards are a design pattern used to display content in a visually appealing, modular format. Each card typically contains a combination of an image and accompanying text, making it easy for users to quickly scan and digest information. These cards can link to more detailed pages or content and in this variation are equally placed adjacent to each other.

Cards (with gentle animation)
Baker Mackenzie Cards with Image and Text
Baker Mackenzie Cards with Image and Text (and Animation)
Harvard Cards Image and Text (with animation)
Harvard Vertical Cards with Image and Text (Animation)
Harvard Cards with Image and Text (Animation)
UC Davis Cards with Image and Text (Animation also)
San Diego State Cards Image and Text (All Equal) (With Animation)
Palantir (3 column laid out vertically)
Card Image
Card - Image & Text 1
Card Image
Card - Image & Text 2
Card Image
Cards with Text and Imange
Card Image
Card image with Text
Card Image